Nchanga Member of Parliament (MP) Chali Chilombo says that parenting can be planned, hence no one should have unplanned children.
Mr Chilombo was speaking when he officially closed a three day workshop Sexual Reproductive Health and rights which attracted participants from Kapisha community.
He said times have changed and now women can plan on child spacing and the number of children they want to have.
He said most women in an old days were looking for options on how they should look after themselves in terms of sexual reproductive health.
“Tell others even those who not here that parenting can be planned no unwanted pregnant because you have learned it. You better plan to avoid abortions and having un-spaced children. Planning for a family is between husband and wife and when it comes to contraceptive them see what is best for the couple,” he said.
He has urged participants from the workshop to be ambassadors in their community and educate others about sexual reproductive health.
Mr Chilombo thanked the facilitators for teaching women in his constituency on sexual reproductive health and rights.
He said some hide the contraceptive pills because their husband didn’t want them to take them but from the workshop they have learned new ways.

Ipsa Zambia Country Director Grace Chiyaba said that her Organisation focuses on women’s health.
Ms Chiyaba said Ipsa is working towards reducing maternal deaths.
She said the workshop highlighted issues of family planning and contraceptives, death arising from unsafe abortions and general support to women accessing services from hospitals.
“We have been in Chingola for three days sensitizing women on sexual reproductive health, norms barriers in accessing sexual reproductive health services at clinics and hospitals and other contributing factors to a woman accessing good service in Nchanga constituencies,” she said.