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No goal celebration as FAZ mourns KK

The Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) says the football community will honour Dr Kaunda’s memory at matches with moments of silence and wearing black armbands.

FAZ President Andrew Kamanga has also directed that there would be no celebration for any activity including goals scored.

He said FAZ is saddened by the death of First Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda.

“Football has been hit hard having also lost our former president Evaristo Kasunga,” he said.

Kamanga said in football Kaunda was a revered patron of the Zambia national team that was christened the KK11 in his honour.

“The whole country is shaken by the death of Dr Kenneth Kaunda who is the founding President of our great country. Dr Kaunda was incomparable as his personality transcended continental borders. In football he was a revered patron of the Zambia National Football Team that was christened the KK11 in his honour,” Kamanga said in a statement issued by FAZ Communications Manager Sydney Mungala.

Kamanga described Kaunda as an ardent supporter of the game not only from the stands but occasionally took to the pitch to demonstrate his passion.

“We remain with fond memories of him either kick starting a sport event or officiating a match. Such was his personality that we mourn his demise.”read part of the statement.

Kaunda,97 died yesterday at Maina Soko Hospital in Lusaka.

In his honour, President Lungu has declared 21 days of national mourning.

Meanwhile Kamanga said FAZ is also saddened by the death of Kasunga who was FAZ president from 2000-2004.

“We also mourn our former FAZ President Kasunga who died on Thursday. Mr Kasunga lived and breathed football and was one of the leaders that laid a strong foundation for the eventual Africa Cup of Nations,” he said.

Kamanga said his strong grassroots program birthed some of the stars that took Zambia to the pinnacle of the African game.

“We continue to learn from his example of building from the bottom towards future success,” he said.

Kasunga also served as Lusaka Tigers chairman and was until his death serving in the foreign service as a diplomat at the Zambian mission in Canada.