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The Independent Observer > News > Nkhuwa hands over borehole at Twateka Primary

Nkhuwa hands over borehole at Twateka Primary

By Staff Writer
Chingola Member of Parliament Matthew Nkhuwa has handed over a water borehole with an overhead water tank to Twateka Primary school.

Chingola Ward Councillor George Kampamba said he lobbied for the borehole for Nakatindi Girls Secondary School but the driller had hit two dry boreholes.

Mr Kampamba said after unsuccessful attempts, the mission was moved within his ward to Twateka where it was successfully sunk.

Speaking during the handover, Mr Nkhuwa said his mission was to deliver on the promises he made during campaigns in 2016.

“The borehole will improve the general hygiene of the school and the school’s production unity which will do better with water. I don’t want to be more of a politician, though am now learning politics. I want to be more of a businessman cum politician who promises and deliver on his word,” he said.

And Parents and Teachers Association Chairperson Musonda Mabengwa thanked Mr Nkhuwa for sinking a borehole at the school.

Mr Mabengwa said the water bills were far above K200, 000 and it was impossible for the school to settle it.

He said with the borehole, the school will no longer spend on water and the school production unit will be enhanced since water will be available all the time.

Meanwhile, Chingola District Commissioner Agnes Tonga told the school management to guard the infrastructure because such installations don’t come cheaply.

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