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The Independent Observer > Headlines > New Heritage Party Stands Firm Against Police Warning, Vows to Protect Democracy

New Heritage Party Stands Firm Against Police Warning, Vows to Protect Democracy

New Heritage Party President  Chishala Kateka says it time Zambians exercise they rights and safeguard democracy.

Ms Kateka said the Inspector General of Police has stated that her and her leaders will be arrested if they proceed with a rally in Mandevu, citing security concerns.

She said despite submitting all required notifications and documents three weeks in advance, we have been met with a vague and unexplained response.

“As the President of the New Heritage Party, I want to assure you that we will not be intimidated by these threats. We are within our legal rights to hold this rally, and we have a responsibility to our members and the nation to stand up for democracy and freedom. We will not be deterred by attempts to silence us.

“We believe in leading by example and will not ask others to do what we are not willing to do ourselves. We are willing to make sacrifices for the sake of our democracy and will not allow Zambia to return to a one-party state. We urge all Zambians to stand up for their rights and join us in promoting peace and democracy,” she said.