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The Independent Observer > News > Nephew kills unsound uncle with an iron bar

Nephew kills unsound uncle with an iron bar

A 21-year-old man of Ndola has murder his 36-year-old uncle by hitting him with an iron bar continuously until he died.

Emmanuel Kabwe had an altercation with his uncle Evaristo Chisanga who was of unsound mind, and eventually a fight ensued in which the suspect beat his uncle using an iron bar, shovel and hammer.

Copperbelt Police Commissioner Elias Chushi said when the victim fell down, the panic-stricken Kabwe thought Chisanga had died and bolted to unknown place.

Mr Chushi said later on he came back home and found his victim still alive and continued hitting him with an iron bar until he died.

He said the victim sustained multiple injuries which included broken legs.

“This occurred on Sunday 23rd May, 2021 around 0500 hours at House Number 1074, Kaloko Compound in Ndola,” he said

Mr Chushi said Kabwe was arrested and is in Police custody.