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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Ndola’s Namboard residents assured of intervention in house ownership plea

Ndola’s Namboard residents assured of intervention in house ownership plea

Bwana Mkubwa Member of Parliament Jonas Chanda has assured Namboard residents in Ndeke Township that their plea for Government to offer them the houses as sitting Tenants will be addressed.

Dr Chanda  met the resident yesterday to listen to their plea and other concerns and assured them that he will present the matter to the President.

He also said he will engage Works and Supply Minister, Silvia Chalikosa to facilitate a procedure on how the matter will progress.

Dr Chanda said the PF Government is a pro poor Government with President Lungu being a listening father.

Dr Chanda who is also Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection Minister sympathized with the residents but was quick to call on them to remain patient and peaceful as Government addresses the issue.

And speaking on behalf of the residents, Mirriam Malepula was confident that President Lungu being a good leader, will listen to the cries of the residents who have been occupying the houses for over 30 years.

Recently, Kafubu Water Supply and Sanitation Company embarked on sewer line replacement works at the Namboard houses at a cost of ZMK 35,000.

The Sewer lines collapsed in 1987, rendering the flushable toilets dysfunctional and forcing residents to dig shallow pit latrines which have been a health and environmental hazard.

Meanwhile, Dr Chanda has assured the 200 families in Ndola’s Overspill area, who are embroiled in land ownership disputes that he will engage with relevant authorities to conclusively deal with the matter.

This was after Norton Silengwe presented the concern on behalf of other developers to Dr Chanda.

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