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Ndola records increase in burials

The Ndola City Council has recorded an increase in the number of burial permits issued with June 2021 reporting the highest number of burials.

Public Relations Manager Rebecca Mushota says in June this year, Ndola City Council issued 383 burial permits, which is the highest number of burial permits in a month for the period January 2020 to June 2021.

Ms Mushota said the 383 burials for June include the 13 unclaimed bodies from the Ndola Teaching Hospital that the local authority buried on June 28.

She said the deaths are as a result of various causes including Corona virus.

Ms Mushota said the month with the second highest number of burials recorded in the same period is February, this year, with 373 burials.

she said the 383 burials recorded by the Council in June this year also shows an increase of 126 burials in comparison with the burial permits issued in June last year.

Ndola City has four cemeteries which are Kawama, Kantolomba, Mitengo and Kansenshi.