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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Ndola Council closes 11 night clubs, bars

Ndola Council closes 11 night clubs, bars

Ndola City Council has closed down six night clubs in the Central Business District and five others in Ndeke Township for operating beyond permitted hours.

The Local Authority who recently warned liquor traders to operate within the confines of the Statutory Instrument No. 64 of 2012, of the Licensing Act, No.20 of 2011 on permitted hours will continue to police the district and will not take kindly to business owners expressing ignorance of the law.

NCC Public Relations Manager  Tilyenji Mwanza said the Local Authority closed down Curious, East Point and E 10 night clubs as well as Viewers, Holings and Ethel Pashel pubs in Central Business District.

Ms Mwanza said  those closed were found operating way beyond their prescribed hours and without an approved extension from the council.

She said NCC also visited Ndeke Township and closed five bars at Chinda’s namely; John Mulele, Brimas, Marvin Chanda, Collins Besa and Diason Bar.

Ms Mwanza said All the eleven liquor trading places have been ordered to pay a penalty and will be watched closely.

She said failure to comply with the stipulated regulations in the act will result in the revocation of their liquor license.

Ms Mwanza has said the Council would like to warn alcoholic business operating premises that it will be taking necessary action against any premise that will be found operating beyond the permitted hours without an approved extension from the council.

“Be reminded that the permitted trading hours for a bar is 10.00hrs to 22.00hrs, Bottle Store (Retail liquor) 10.00hrs to 22.00hrs, Night Club/Social Club Liquor 10.00hrs to 24.00hrs while Wholesale is 08.00hrs to 18.00hrs. also we would like to warn residents against noise pollution especially those in the business of liquor trading,” she said.

She said NCC has noted that many retail liquor trading places are now turning their places into bars and polluting the environment with very loud music way above the prescribed decibel limit.


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