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The Independent Observer > OS > NDC pledges to be peaceful in Roan

NDC pledges to be peaceful in Roan

National Democratic Congress (NDC) Party on the Copperbelt has pledged to conduct peaceful campaigns during the Roan by-elections in Luanshya.

NDC Copperbelt Chairperson Chipoka Mulenga said the NDC would conduct peaceful and issue based campaigns without any part in violence and malicious campaigns.

Mr Mulenga has implored the police command in Luanshya to be professional by ensuring that the political playing field is levelled without intimidation, deliberate provocation to any camp.

“We had successfully filed in for the Roan by Elections yesterday slated for April 11, 2018 despite all the maneuvers by the PF to technically stop NDC from participating in the elections.

“Our spirits are even higher and more resolved to get NDC its first parliamentarian that will effectively represent the people like Dr Chishimba Kambwili did and be a part of the law making process that will represent Zambians from all walks of life fairly. The police service must serve and protect people without being politically biased. We expect such from the police command in Luanshya. They must note that NDC is a very peaceful and issue based political party,” he said.

Mr Mulenga thanked NDC political allies, particularly the UPND for rallying behind NDC work as team in campaigns and voting.

“As provincial chairperson, I strongly urge all members in our campaign team to stay away from violence acts and focus on marketing our candidate and agenda for Roan Constituency.

“Let NDC do politics while PF plan violence and lavish money to the electorates,” he said.

NDC yesterday went to the nomination centre with more 20 candidates, all with requirements to file in just in case, there was drama of a selected candidate disappearing in thin air on the last minute.

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