Nchanga Member of Parliament in collaboration with Africa Mechanical Superlift limited have put up a bridge in Kapisha ward.
The bridge services four areas namely; Kapisha, Tsopano, water works and Chanda Mali.
A number of drowning cases were reported on this stream especially during the rainy season.
The area Member of Parliament Henry Chilombo said that the bridge has been a thorn in the flesh for the people in the area.
Mr Chilombo showed gratitude to Africa Mechanical and Superlift for the assistance and the quick response when they were approached.
He has implored the people to take ownership of the bridge as they own property for them to receive more.
Priscilla Nakazwe a resident said that it was a delight to see the bridge because a lot of people have lost lives including school going children.

Ms Nakazwe said the bridge is a milestone to the people of Kapisha, it is a job well done.
Kapisha ward Councillor Davis Mulenga said that the issue of the bridge has been a great challenge especially during the rainy season when it floods.
Mr Mulenga promised that the bridge will be guarded by the community no one will vandalize it seeing the suffering before the bridge.
He said the bridge caters for 4 areas the people of Tsopano coming from Nchanga General Hospital pass through here and people from Chanda Mali and water works pass through here to the cemetery.
Mr Mulenga has called on other stakeholders to emulate AMSL and do the development in the area to supplement on the Government effort.