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Nchanga MP against vandalism

Nchanga Constituency Member of Parliament Derricky Chilundika has called on residents to desist from vandalizing water pipes.

Mr Chilundika said that he understands that some areas in Nchanga have erratic water supply but vandalizing water pipes is illegal and costly.

The Parliamentarian also called on Mulonga Water Supply and Sanitation Company to ensure that areas with erratic water supply are provided with alternatives.

Mr Chilundinda who is also Luapula Province Minister also visited the water reservoirs in KCM, where it was discovered that the main pipe that supplies water out to the sister reservoirs has been cut off by KCM but is currently under construction.

“I have seen where the water challenge is coming from, the KCM engineering reservoir does not have water which supplies water to residents, but this should not be an excuse for my residents not to have running water, water is life and no human being can live without water, let us make sure that water bowsers are provided so that people can have safe and clean drinking water,” he said.

And Mr Chilundika called on KCM to ensure that the cut main pipe at the reservoir is fixed as soon as possible.

He said issues of water must be treated with urgency because water is life and residents cannot be kept without water for a long period of time.

And KCM engineer Eddy Sampa said that they have provided Mulonga with the pipe to replace the damaged pipe and that the works are underway.

Mr Sampa said that in the course of two weeks the pipe will be fixed and operations are expected to resume smoothly.

Meanwhile, the water utility company’s Acting Managing Director Ndila Hamalambo said that the company already provides water bowsers to affected areas.

Mr Hamalambo said that vandalism has been a challenge that many Townships in the district face.

He said even if water is supplied, it cannot reach most of the residents because connecting pipes are usually vandalized.

Mr Hamalambo attributed the water shortages in some parts of the district to KCM engineering reservoir which is not pumping water.

And residents visited in Sekala ward by the Member of Parliament said that they have had no water for a long time.

Alia Musonda a resident appealed to Mulonga to cover the main pipes in residential areas to avoid vandalism so that water can be reaching their homes.

Another resident Jennfer Chitula questioned the water utility company on the non-availability of water in homes.

She said they are charged for water that is not used, noting that portable water is not enough as they are made to fetch water from shallow wells at a cost.