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Nchanga constituency to be improved-Candidates

Some Nchanga constituency candidates participating in the August, 12 general elections have pledged to change the face of the constituency.

Democratic Party Buntugwa ward candidate Brian Chishimba said his first priority will be to lobby for support to work on impassable roads such as Manyoni.

“I will also lobby for a police post to compliment the works of officers at Mulenga post station, as security is also a huge concern in the ward, I want to improve the standards of Buyantashi market, the market has lost its pride due to poor leadership,” he said.

And Nchanga ward PF candidate Ronald Mwanaute pledged to deal with the careless disposal of garbage by bringing back garbage collection in the ward.

DP Nsansa ward candidate Mathew Shumba says he will empower youths, saying that youth empowerment is lacking in the ward.

Mr Shumba said that he will boost SME’s adding that when small businesses are improved there will be development in the ward and the district.

While, PF parliamentary candidate for Nchanga constituency Rosemary Chipoya pledged to form cooperatives that will help give employment to the trained unemployed youths in the constituency.

Ms Chipoya called on every well-meaning Zambians to maintain peace in the district and the country at large.

Meanwhile, UPND Buntugwa ward candidate Mathews Simukoko pledged to empower the girl child by ensuring that they have access to education without any challenges. He also promised to improve lives of residents in the ward.

PF Sekela ward candidate John Mulemba said that he will change the standards of Sekela ward, saying that through lobbying, the issue of historical garbage will be worked on.

And UPND Nchanga Parliamentary Candidate Derricky Chilundika said that once elected, he will ensure that the constituency is economically improved.

The candidates said this during a fundraising Sunday held at Nchanga UCZ congregation yesterday.