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Nchanga constituency MP calls for unity of purpose

Nchanga Member of Parliament Derricky Chilundika has called on the church to be agents of unity and continue counseling political leaders.

Speaking during a homily service at Kapisha Catholic Parish, Mr Chilundika also urged the residents in the constituency to remain united and ensure that they work together with new government.

He said that the UPND will not work under segregation, but will ensure that everyone is included irrespective of political affiliations.

“Our government is encouraging hard work, for this is the only way that we can defeat poverty amongst ourselves, and government will help those that are helping better their lives, and President Hichilema is encouraging truthfulness among politicians, this is to ensure that development disseminated equally,” he said.

Mr Chilundika who is also Luapula province minister said that his appointment to that province will not by any chance hinder his work as MP for Nchanga Constituency.

Mr Chilundika assured congregants that he will be making time for every resident of Nchanga without fail.

He said that time for politicking is over, but what needs to be done is to work in harmony and offer advice were due.

“We want every resident to benefit from the Constituency Development Fund (CDF), for this reason we have come up with Nchanga indaba, this program will be airing on Radio stations for residents to suggest how best the CDF can used in the constituency, our aim is to ensure that the funds are put to good use,” he said.

And Kapisha Parish Priest Father Martin Bwalya encouraged the MP to continue working for the people.

Father Bwalya reminded Mr Chilundika not to forget the electorates, who have the power to fire and taken for granted.

Father Bwalya also encouraged Nchanga constituency residents to work hard so that government supplements their efforts.

“I want to encourage politicians to be humble and work for the people, remove pride address issues accordingly, and communicate with residents, you should by all means avoid working in isolation,” he said.

Mr Chiludinka was accompanied by some Nchanga Constituency Councilors both from the PF and UPND; members of the UPND executive were also among the entourage.