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The Independent Observer > Politics > Nawakwi failed to manage excitement of PF running mate-NDC

Nawakwi failed to manage excitement of PF running mate-NDC

National Democratic Congress (NDC) Copperbelt Chairperson George Sichula has accused Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) Leader Edith Nawakwi of failing to contain the excitement of being PF a running mate.

Mr Sichula said from the moves of Ms Nawakwi, it was clear she had been promised to be a running mate of the ruling Patriotic Front.

Speaking with The Independent Observer in an interview this morning, Mr Sichula advised the FDD leader to manage her excite than cheat Zambians with Privatization mayhem.

“We have seen Ms Nawakwi trotting from one media house to another just to damage the name of UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema in order to satisfy the people who seem to have promised her with milk and honey. The issue of privatization must be the water under the bridge by now because it will not bring food on our table, it will not end unemployment or fix the PF ailing economy.

“The PF is simply using her to cover up their failures and divert the attention of the voters from load shedding, nose diving currency against major currencies, unemployment, poor economy and corruption which is being sanitized by the Anti-Corruption Commission,” he said.

Mr Sichula said Ms Nawakwi had more than enough time to make revelations if any transactions made were suspicious but she chose to remain mute and even entered into a political alliance with HH.

“We will not allow Ms Nawakwi to hide in the disguise of womanhood. We will hit at her as she is throwing her missiles disregarding her gender. Privatization is not the main problem this country is facing at the moment, the main issue is PF. The Zambian people gave the ruling PF the mandate to fix the economy. PF wanted power and they have it now, let them use it to fix the economy because they knew the issue of privatization even before they came into power,” he said.

And in response, Ms Nawakwi said Mr Sichula shouldn’t be tribal and use emotions to attack her.

She said HH had been asked very simple and basic questions which needs answers.

Ms Nawakwi said Zambians need to know where he was staying before privatization and why he failed to declare interest in the Mosi-O-Tunya hotel where he was an advisor to government.

“What Hakainde should explain is how he ended up acquiring a Lima Bank House in Serval road where he lived until he moved to Lusaka East without any public bids for the sale of that property was engaged. That is theft of public funds,” Ms Nawakwi said.


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