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NAREP ready to scoop 2021 polls

National Restoration Party (NAREP) President Steven Nyirenda says the party is ready to scoop August 12, general elections this year.

Mr Nyirenda whose slogan is, Zambia is for Zambians and only Zambians will develop the country said he is a leader which will lead the country out of poverty and create the best for the country.

He said PF has made the people of Zambia poorer and it’s high time that that they stand up and claim what is there’s.

“We are suffering in this country because the money is not in the hands of the Zambians, wealth is not the hands of Zambians, I have been in business for long time and I know that Zambians out are suffering out,” he said

Mr Nyirenda said he is a leader that will bring sanity with the help of others and create leadership that will bring wealth in the hands of the Zambians.

He said the time to stand up and start producing something in the county that will sustain the economy is now.

He said that given the mandate, he make sure that every district setup companies that will employ other Zambians so that they benefit from the wealth this country.

Mr Nyirenda said that certain goods that are being imported should be locally produced instead of importing everything. He said investors come in the country to exploit everything and leave Zambians poor.

He said if given the  chance on August 12 to rule the  country, the first thing he do, is to deal the issue of flood in Lusaka especially Kanyama, John Laing and  transform the lives of people in the area.

Mr Nyirenda said the second thing is to plan for the whole country by making every district productive in order to decongest the young people from the streets who have no jobs.

He said that the third thing is to make a credibility plan to pay the debts that PF have borrowed and others follow.

Mr Nyirenda said PF is the worst government and people should walk up and vote wisely comes august.

He said he cannot enter an alliance with UPND because they have killed democracy in their party due to selfishness of the top leader.