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NAREP leader sues wife over property title deed

National Restoration Party (NAREP) president Stephen Nyirenda has sued his wife Lesa Kasoma in the Lusaka High Court for forging his signature and fraudulently adding her name to his property title deed.

In a statement of claim, Nyirenda who is Muvi television proprietor wants the court to nullify the title deed for his farm in Roma Township because his wife allegedly added herself as a joint tenant.

Mr Nyirenda also wants the court to order cancellation of the certificate of title of Subdivision A of Subdivision No 175 of Farm No 44a situated in Roma, Lusaka issued in his wife’s name as a joint tenant because she forged his signature.

He wants the court to compel the Ministry of Lands to re-issue the certificate of title in his name as it appeared prior to the fraudulent deed of moiety lodged on June 19, 2019 by his wife.

Mr Nyirenda is also claiming damages for loss of commercial business opportunity and pecuniary benefit suffered during the joint tenancy and any other reliefs the court might deem fit.

“I bought the farm in 1995 and started developing on it in 1996; I use the place for commercial transaction with local banking institutions, I then moved into the premises in 2001 and my wife has been staying at the same place.”

“I noticed the title deed of the farm was missing and when he asked my wife about it, she never gave a proper answer but kept on changing on its whereabouts until I threatened to report her to the police,” he said.

Mr Nyirenda said that she surrendered the title deed to him on August 27, 2021 but it looked new and had an additional of his wife’s name.

“My wife forged my signature, as she was in a habit of forging my signature on documents to suit her needs, I have never executed a deed of moiety with my wife over the farm and the signature purported to be mine appearing on the deed of moiety was forged and fraudulently obtained,” he said.