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NAQEZ backs the closure of schools

National Action for Quality Education in Zambia (NAQEZ) has welcomed the announcement by government to close primary and secondary schools for 21 days.

NAQEZ Copperbelt provincial deputy coordinator, Wiseman Sakala says that despite the negative effects of the Covid-19 on learners, the organization understands that life is primary while education is secondary.

Mr Sakala said that the closure of schools is very necessary because lives of the learners and teachers need to be safeguarded at all costs.

“Before government announced the closure of schools for 21days, NAQEZ asked ministry of finance to fund the ministry of education and help the ministry stop the spread the coronavirus in schools, because most school have inadequate infrastructure, less number of desks and other requirements to help maintain social distance,” he said.

Mr Sakala said that NAQEZ had also requested that the ministry of education to close school if the ministry was not ready to fight the Covid-19.

“We are glad that government did the right by prioritizing the lives of the learners and teachers, but as we wait for government’s guidance on the way forward we ask the teachers to provide assignments to the learners so as to keep them busy and attached to school work, especially those in examinations classes ” he said.

Mr Sakala also urged parents to encourage their children to study during the 21 days of closure schools so that they do not totally lag behind.