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The Independent Observer > Business > Mwanakatwe puts record straight over the missing toll fees

Mwanakatwe puts record straight over the missing toll fees

Finance Minister Margaret Mwanakatwe says she has taken note of a media report alluding to loss of funds under the National Road Fund Agency (NRFA).

Reacting to media reports, Ms Mwanakatwe said the matter was originally trailed through the Government’s internal audit processes and later the Office of the Auditor General in their 2017 report indicating it was not a new case.

“In this case, the reported losses were related to minor system configuration challenges across toll booths and toll stations.  Steps have been taken to ensure that correctional measures are implemented so that any system related losses are prevented now and in future. My Ministry will continue to monitor the situation and conduct integrity checks on the system from time to time.

“I have instructed the National Road Fund Agency to conduct a briefing with the media and other stakeholders to ensure that clarity is given and further feedback from the public obtained on matters incidental to toll gates. As I have stated previously, the Government’s tolerance level to the mishandling, abuse and loss of public funds is at zero,” she said.

Ms Mwanakatwe said where reports of verified infringement of the Public Financial Management Act, 2018, are ascertained, herMinistry will not hesitate to evoke the necessary provisions in the act to protect public resources and institute remedial action.

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