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The Independent Observer > News > Mwanakatwe drunk at the NDF as her Kwacha continues to nosedive

Mwanakatwe drunk at the NDF as her Kwacha continues to nosedive

Nkonkomalimba Kapumpe writes:

This is our finance minister whom we are depending on to survive for how salaries, school children’s fees and most importantly an economy which is in desperate need to fight back.

If we speak out we are seen not to be real supporters of PF. In the last two years I have lost friends of which I can easily trace back to the poor economy; she is literally killing us. Lecturers, government workers, police, suppliers and contractors all to struggling to get paid and there she is drunk at a meeting

This is what she is facing….”Zambia will be required to maintain a debt service of at least US$2.26 billion annually for the next twenty years to be anywhere near liquidating the country’s current indebtedness. This represents close to 32.4% of the total annual national budget”

And she is drunk….

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