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Mwanakatwe confers with Barclays Africa

Minister of Finance Margaret Mwanakatwe sayd Zambia is firmly in control of its economy following the implementation of the Economic Stabilisation and Growth Programme.

M Mwanakatwe said the economy has a fantastic opportunity to record higher growth rates as a result of the transformational reforms.

She said the reforms are implemented by Government, the banking and financial services sector needs to pull together with those in the production and real sector in order for the desired 6 percent to 8% growth rates to be attained.

The Minister appealed to the private sector to take advantage of the recent developmental oriented agreements signed with the Angolan Government to create alliances and working partnerships that will ensure that Zambian businesses dominate the Angolan market along the two countries common border.

She also requested for targeted financial support for youths adding that, “given empowerment funds, they are ready to take risks, operationalise their projects, and create employment for others thereby contributing to poverty reduction.”

The Minister also called on eligible organisations to plan properly and ensure that the issuance of e-vouchers for the 2018/2019 farming season is effective and efficient, further stating that, “as Government, we are committed to ensure that the process begins early as we do not want our people to experience the challenges that they faced in the last farming season.”

She was speaking, Friday, when Barclays Africa Deputy Managing Director Peter Matlare paid a courtesy call on her at her office.

And Mr Matlare said Zambia has a rich depository of capability which was why his organisation was keen to firm-up its partnership with the country in finding ways of closing the investment and infrastructure gaps.

“I have no doubt that we share the passion to improve and work together which is why we have a long-term commitment to this country and its people,” he said.

Mr Matlare was accompanied to the Ministry by Barclays Bank Zambia Chairperson Chishala Kateka and Barclay Bank Zambia Managing Director Mzinga Melu..

And Ms Melu said Barclays Zambia had invested K35 million in technological upgrade. She added that her organisation has intensified its staff career development programme and would continue with the client relationship improvement initiatives.

She also said Barclays Zambia had invested in a mobile bank disbursement programme in order to contribute to the attainment of the country’s financial inclusion objectives.

This is according to a media statement made available to The Independent Observer by Ministry of Finance Head of Public Relations Chileshe Kandeta.

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