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Mushinadmo Traditional Leaders appeal for help

Traditional Leaders in Mushindamo district have called on Government to address various challenges that the locals in the region have been experiencing in the recent past.
Speaking when district commissioner, Andrew Kalangwa paid a courtesy call on chief Musaka and Chieftainess Chikola, the traditional leaders have both appealed to government to settle pending issues concerning the central business district, network and road connectivity.
Chief Musaka has called on Government to ensure that Solwezi – Kalindi (Kipushi) road is upgraded to bituminous standard to enhance trade with the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia.
“The Solwezi – Kalindi road is in deplorable state but this is the road which leads to the border and generates income for the country. We task you our district commissioner to ensure that this road is worked on and have a toll gate established on the same road”, he said.
Chief Musaka said once worked on the Kalindi road will help decongest Kasumbalesa border post and Kalindi is very near to Lubumbashi, Congo’s capital.
The traditional Leaders has also appealed to civil servants to be professional in their work and avoid politics as this affects service delivery.
Meanwhile, Chieftainess Chikola has appealed to Government to look into the plight of traditional leaders across the country.
She said accommodation and transport for traditional leaders are some of the major issues that need to be addressed by the new dawn Government.
”As a chief, it is embarrassing that I have no house and vehicle. Government needs to pay attention to our needs because we are the custodians of tradition and culture “, she said.
The traditional leader has also appealed to Government to enhance network connectivity in the area and consider putting up radio signals in the area.
“When we open our radio here, the signal we get is from Congo, because of this, we are left behind in terms of communication as no Zambian radio signal is available in the chiefdom”, she said.
And the District Commissioner has assured the traditional leaders that their challenges will be addressed as the government implements its budget.
Mr Kalangwa has also called on the traditional leaders to take keen interest in governance especially on disbursement of constituency development fund (CDF).
“CDF has been increased by the government and these funds will help us resolve some of these challenges that we as a district have been facing. I urge you our traditional leaders to work closely with the ward development committees to ensure these funds are put to good use”, he said.
Mr Kalangwa said civil servants have also been cautioned against participating in active politics as this compromises their ability to work professionally.