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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Mushimba Donates K10,000 to women’s league in Kankoya

Mushimba Donates K10,000 to women’s league in Kankoya

By Jeff Mbewe
Kankoyo Member of Parliament  Brian Mushimba has donated K10, 000 to Women’s League of Kankoyo Constituency.

The money was donated towards constructing of a sewing training center in Kankoyo Constituency and spearheaded by the Women’s League in the area.

Dr Mushimba said he was inspired by the Women in his constituency because of their continued effort to empower the people.

He said that the women in his constituency have fully supplemented his efforts of empowering the people of Kankoyo.

Dr Mushimba has procured 50 sewing machines as well as 15 locking machines which are meant to empower women in Kankoyo.

The machines will be placed in a skills development center where women will acquire skills

He said that other than skills development, the women will benefit from the initiative through earnings made from any business undertaken by the center.

The function was attended by Copperbelt Province Chair lady Rose Mukupo who represented the Provincial Chairman Nathan Chanda as guest of honor.

Dr Mushimba who was accompanied by his wife Brenda  Mushimba opened the floor for pledges and made an instant cash donation of K10, 000.

Copperbelt Province Chair lady Rose Mukupo said she was extremely happy that Kankoyo women have heed the directive from the Provincial Structure to come up with ways of mobilizing resources.

She said the Kankoyo women where the third to successfully host a fundraising function with the second being Mpongwe while Chililabombwe constituency women’s’ league was first.

And Kankoyo Chair Lady Sofa Mwanza who is a Councilor in Kwacha Ward in the constituency said their efforts as women have greatly been supplemented by Dr Mushimba who has offered support throughout.

She thanked the Provincial Chair lady Rose Mukupo as well as other invited guests for finding time to attend the function.

Ms Mwanza said the initiate to fundraiser were pure efforts by women in Kankoyo Constituency to supplement the efforts of the area Member of Parliament.

“We are here mainly to supplement the efforts of Dr Mushimba, and most importantly President Edgar Lungu. This is about the three layers of leadership  from a constituency point of view  from top bottom that is the President, the MP and the councilors. For us as women in the Constituency it’s always about how can we initiate programs, what things can we do from our individual and collective capacity to supplement the efforts of the MP and the President, towards serving the people?” he said.

Meanwhile, at the same function, several other business houses made pledges and instant cash donations.

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