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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Mundubile condemns Govt’s failure to save 800 jobs at SAVENDA

Mundubile condemns Govt’s failure to save 800 jobs at SAVENDA

By Staff Writer
Leader of the Opposition in Parliament Brian Mundubile says it is unfortunate that Anti Corruption Commission  – ACC restricted Savenda Bank Accounts with Government refusing to allow access to company operation funds resulting in 800 workers being placed on forced leave. 

Mr Mundubile who is also PF Presidential Candidate said the plight of the 800 workers at SAVENDA was a source of concern for all.

He said in times when the cost of living is high, in other jurisdictions, Government would have come up with stimulus packages for local businesses to protect jobs.

Mr. Mundubile said citizens were already overwhelmed by the high cost of mealie meal, fuel, fertiliser, transport, electricity and unemployment, a move that would prompt Government to protect the few companies that are operating.

He said Government needed to offer incentives, business and stimulus packages going forward.

“We are disappointed that that this should happen and there is no comment from Government. Ordinarily when the matter came few days ago, we would have expected Government to move in and find out how best they can help the situation,” he said.

Mr. Mundubile said investigations could have been done better without creating an environment where SAVENDA could not even pay it’s employees.

“Investigations could have still continued as the company was allowed to operate profitably,” he said.