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Mulonga Water working to compensate Mupampe customers

Mulonga Water Supply and Sanitation company working with the lawyers of the 14 plaintiffs to close the issue according to the high Court judgments.

In 2012 some customers from Mupambe Township in Mufulira took legal action against Mulonga Water Supply and Sanitation Company (MWSC) following an outbreak of diarrheal diseases in the area.

In 2017 the High Court Judge Isaac Chali passed a judgment (The case between Kenny Mukosa & 3, 650 others and MWSC) in favour of the plaintiffs and awarded damages to 14 people only.

The two parties executed a consent order to vary the Judgment dated May 29, 2017 and the matter implied that the matter was referred to the Registrar of the High Court at Kitwe for each of all the 3,560 Plaintiffs (The Respondents) to carry out an individual assessment of damages”

In passing judgment on assessments, High Court Registrar Ikechukwu Iduma said, “ In arriving at the quantum of damages that the Plaintiffs are entitled to, I will have to consider each and every medical discharge slip that has been presented and make an award taking into account the number of days that one may have been admitted in hospital, according to these slips, of course not losing sight of the fact that they all experienced pain and suffering, not only for the number of days that they may have stayed in Hospital, but even before they were admitted and post admission.”

In line with the above, MWSC is working with the lawyers of the 14 plaintiffs to close the issue according to the high Court judgments.

Affected individuals are encouraged to peruse both the main judgment and judgment of assessments from the Kitwe High Court to get clarification on the issue.

This is according to a media statement by MWSC Acting Public Relations Manager Bright Mtonga.


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