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Mulonga Water honours Chililabombwe Division Manager

For the first time Mulonga Water Sewerage Company has awarded a Division Manager as the most hard working employee during this year’s Labour Day celebrations.

Mulonga water has always been awarding employees in lower positions but it is the first time someone in management position has been awarded.

Chililabombwe Division Manager Jeffrey Mulenga was awarded as most hard working employee because of the strides made in his Division.

According to Mulonga Water Public Relations Manager Debora Kangende the move is aimed at motivating all employees including those in management and inspiring them to do more for the company.

Ms Kangende said the water regulator National Water and Sanitation Council (NWASCO) awards chief executive officers of utility firms for initiative and mobilization skills.

“It will not be a bad idea to replicate this NWASCO idea into our own Divisions and we hope this can just be the beginning. Such initiative will increase productivity in the company.

“The company want to see to it that all employees regardless the position work hard and aim to be top performers.  In its quest, Mulonga Water wants to enhance service delivery and maintain its current slot at the top of other water utilities in Zambia,” she said.

And Mr Mulenga said the award meant more hard work for him and his team so as to keep improving the services of the utility firm.

He said he was very grateful to Mulonga management and team especially that the award came to him as a surprise.

“I was not aware that I was nominated. I was only informed just three days before Lobour Day that I would be awarded. My name was picked by the committee and it feels great to be picked especially that it is the first time a Division Manager is being awarded. It feels good for your hard work to be appreciated and it makes you work even more,” he said.

The company is making strides to improve service delivery by all means and striving to meet the objectives by 2021 as stipulated in the firm’s three year strategic plan.

Just recently Mulonga Water purchased eight vehicles to curb non-revenue water.

And it has received good feedback on the brown water that was being supplied in some parts of Chingola as the water has cleared up.

Mulonga has made slight increase in metering ratio, maintained fairly high sanitation coverage and improved collection efficiency this won the top spot on the NWSCO awards.

The Company has made achievements in a number of household connected to water supply which is over 20, 300, and the installation of meters to about 36, 000 meters resulting in an increase in metering ratio.

Chililabombwe is almost on 24 hour water supply service.

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