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Mulonga upgrading Kafue treatment plant to increase capacity

Mulonga water Supply and Sanitation Company has commenced the upgrade of its Kafue treatment plant to increased capacity and caution the water blues that Chingola residents face regularly.

The Treatment plant is being expanded and have it’s capacity increased to 40 liters plus the 20 liters in the old plants which will come to 60 liters per day.

MWSC Acting Communications Manager, Debora Kangende, said the project is one of the major projects that Mulenga has embarked on from the time it started operations in the year 2000.

Ms Kangende said the treatment plant is being extended and increasing capacity which will see to it that Mulonga water’s mission statement has become a reality to provide sustainable water and sanitation services.

She said the longest supplying hours in Mulonga is 17 hour but at the end of this project the company will go up to 24 hours of supply.

This project means increased hours of supply and consistent water supply as the Kafue treatment plant carters for three quarters of Chingola.

The maximum Mulonga water can supply water to Chingola residents is 10 hours that is why the project is important and customers will be delighted to learn of the progress.

She said the project begun in 2014 and most of the works were documentations and verification but now the actual major works are being done.

Ms Kangende said Mulonga supplies water to 25,000 customers in Chingola and Kafue plant caters three quarters as the other small part is catered for by underground water from Konkola Copper Mines.

“There are areas we are not servicing because of our capacity but with this project we will be able to cater for the whole of Chingola like Chingola south area which has been developed,” she said.

She said the Company has a similar project in Mufulira where they are also expanding the Chibolya treatment plant and replacing the existing sewer pipes with the new ones.

And Senior Resident Engineer for the Project, Simon Butler, said the project which is completing in August 2023 will see to it that the water challenge is no more.