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The Independent Observer > OS > Mulonga to water Chingola Central Police camp

Mulonga to water Chingola Central Police camp

Dear Editor,

I write to commend Mulonga Water Supply and Sanitation Company Limited for going flat out to lay pipes in readiness to water Chingola Central Police Camp.

This Police Camp has dilapidated pipes where Mulonga has actually been losing a lot of water through uncontrolled leaks year in year out.

The impending installation of new pipes and water connection to the area will surely not only alleviate the police officers’ livelihood where safe, clean and availability of water is a must but also serve as a cost saving measure for the company by completely resolving the leaks problem.

One interesting fact is that this is not the only area where we see Mulonga Water digging trenches in readiness for this watering exercise but they are over the Chingola, which is a plus for the residents of the town.

Chingola residents have for many years complained of dirty or erratic water supply many times and lack of it in most areas where people are using dug wells to get water.

This exercise when completed will therefore bring sanity to a lot of households as we know water is a very important household commodity we should not undermine.

Kudos ba Mulonga Water Supply.

Wisdom Muyunda


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