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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Mukwita invites BMW to set up plant in Zambia

Mukwita invites BMW to set up plant in Zambia

Zambia’s Ambassador to Germany Anthony Mukwita has invited Bavarian Motor works (BMW) the German car manufacturer, to set up a plant in Zambia to manufacture electric components for their cars.

Ambassador Mukwita said Zambia has abundant copper and cobalt resources that are key in the manufacture of electric car components.

Mr Mukwita made the remarks at the BMW Headquarters in Munich where the Zambian flag was flying next to that of Germany, the company and the State of Bavaria to mark the official visit of the Zambian envoy.

“We would like you to come and set up shop in Zambia and manufacture those components whose role materials such as copper and cobalt are in abundance in Zambia” he said.

He told BMW that Zambia offered the required investment climate that included a stable political climate as evidenced by the peace that has characterized the nation since her independence from Britain in 1964.

Mr Mukwita also said Zambia is a country of laws that protect your investment.

Mr Zobelein said BMW was open to the possibility of doing business with countries in possession of materials the company needs.

He said the company has concerned about the need for the respect of human rights especially as they pertain to child labor as customers would like to make sure that our product does not carry materials from sources that are engaged in child labor.

Mr Zobelein and Mrs. Kleinbeck just returned from the Democratic Republic of Congo where they visited some mining operations.

Mr Bahoo told Ambassador Mukwita that BMW was also equally interested in the progress and processes regarding the recently launched African Free Trade Area under the auspices of the African Union, AU.

The Zambian envoy indicated that significant progress has been made as the majority of African countries have signed the agreement including Zambia.

The visit to BMW was therefore part of the follow up on the conference resolutions that should position Zambia strategically as the world takes measures to mitigate the impact of climate change by gradually reducing heavy dependence on fossil fueled cars to electric vehicles.

This is contained in a statement issued by first Secretary for Press and Public Relations Zambia embassy in Berlin , Kellys Kaunda.

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