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The Independent Observer > Business > Mpezeni Park works in Chifubu kicks off

Mpezeni Park works in Chifubu kicks off

Construction works of a mall in Chifubu have begun following the decision of Ndola City Council to sale Mpezeni Park.

The works which commenced last week include the razing down of the old Mpezeni Hall and other structures to pave way for the construction of a modern mall that will see the creation of at least 800 jobs for the local youths directly and indirectly.

The sale agreement which took effect on September 9, 2018 is between Ndola City Council and RMB Westport Limited.

The sale agreement includes the purchaser to provide community development to the vendor to develop and construct for the people of Chifubu three hospital wards at Chipokotamayamba Clinic in Ndola measuring three meters by 15 meter each and a modern library at a site yet to be determined in Chifubu.

The Ndola City Council has noted the malicious propaganda that is being championed on media sites to speak against the positive urban development the local authority seeks to deliver to Ndola residents through various mediums.

The Ndola City Council would like to announce that it indulged in this venture after careful consideration and approval from the ministerial office.

Also consulted and in agreement were the office of the area councilor, the office of the member of parliament as well as independent consultation with the residents of Chifubu who noted that the old building was a menace as it served merely as a beer hall for illicit and illegal alcohol as well as harbored criminals and thus the proposal to sale and construct a shopping mall was highly welcomed.

The Ndola City Council would like to assure residents in the friendly city that it will always seek to deliver its mission and that is to promote social economic development by providing effective and efficient services and infrastructure to the community through good local governance and partnerships with a vision to be a prosperous and economically self-sustaining city by 2030.

This is according to a media statement by Ndola City Council Public Relations Manager Tilyenji Mwanza.

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