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Mpelembe Ex miners demand for their benefits

Mpelembe drilling Ex-miners have called on government to come to their aid as they demand for their benefits from the mine.

Speaking at the protest held at Nchanga Constituency office, Former Mpelembe Drilling workers Secretary Baldwin Kaluwa said since 1996, their monies have not been paid, hence the protest

He said that some ex-miners have died leaving behind orphans and widows suffering as the monies have not been paid to sustain their lives.

Mr Kaluwa said that 1,116 members have not been paid for almost 3 decades, since the period of privatisation.

He said that a great injustice has been done to the Ex Mplembe drilling miners as benefits were supposed to be safeguarded, which was never done.

Ex Mpelembe drilling miners Vice Secretary Maxwell Nsofu called for the firing of Science and technology Minister Felix Mutati from his ministerial position, alleging that he was among the leaders of the group that has caused the unfortunate case.

And one of the widows, Rhoda Musonda said that they have languished in poverty for long, now is the time for them to be paid.

She also alleged that the money has been held by Felix Mutati and needs to be given back to its rightful owners.

Ms Musonda said that the widows have suffered for long, and appealed to Government to address the issue urgently.

And addressing the Ex miners, Nchanga MP’s Professional Assistant Richard Kasuba assured the miners that MP Derricky Chilundika is aware of the case and he has already started working on it.

Mr Chilundika was not present at the protest as he is attending Parliamentary processions in Lusaka.