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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Motorists commends Govt for the reduction in pump price

Motorists commends Govt for the reduction in pump price

The reduction in the fuel pimp price by Government has elated bus Drivers and motorist in Chingola.

Government through the Energy Regulation Board (ERB) yesterday announced the new prices of petroleum products, petrol from 21.16 to 19.84 and diesel from 20.15 to 18.93.

The ERB have reduced 1.32 Ngwee from petrol and 1.22 Ngwee from diesel, these prices were effective from Monday midnight of January, 31, 2022.

One of the bus driver Teddy Kapinga said that was happy with the new reduction as this will help in other commodities to go down.

“Am happy about this news and I might say this is a good move from the Government and I must be commended. Sometimes we do not understand what Government is doing, all what we know is criticizing,” he said.

Another motorist Rabinson Kaunda welcomed the move by Government for the reduction in fuel prices.

Mr Kaunda said the reduction of 1.32 Ngwee will help motorist to have two liters of fuel from K 40

“Only those with no vehicles will say that 1.32 Ngwee doesn’t make a difference, but for me am happy because if I have a k40 am assured of two litres,” he said.

Another bus driver Mulenga Chungu said the reduction in fuel prices will help in the reduction of bus fares.

According to ERB price review for petroleum products will be carried out monthly based  on the outcome of the trend in exchange rate and international oil prices, in the month preceding the review