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The Independent Observer > News > Mopani shuts Chamboli dump site, 8, 000 jerabos in turmoil

Mopani shuts Chamboli dump site, 8, 000 jerabos in turmoil

Mopani Coper Mines has closed down the Chamboli copper dump site in Kitwe sending over 8, 000 small scale mines on the street.

And the Small Scale Miners Association of Zambia feel the closure will steer severe economic upheaval.

The Association Executive Director Kunda Chani said that there are over 8, 000 of his members who directly benefit from the dump site.

Mr Chani said offload such a huge number on the street would have a negative repercussions both to the community and the mine itself.

“As the Small Scale Association of Zambia we are saddened by the closure of Chamboli copper dump site in Kitwe by Mopani Copper Mines. We are already faced with unemployment and the closure of the Chamboli dump site will further bring

“At the moment, there are more youths earning a living as small scale miners on the Copperbelt than any other employer and such disruptions must attract immediate government attention. With youths engaged as small scale miners, it reduces bad vices such as sex immorality, drunkenness, theft and breaking ins of homes thereby building strong communities free of crimes,” he said.

He said the association we will engage both Mopani and Minister of Mines so that an amicable solution can be found.

Effort to contact Mopani Public Relations Manager Nebert Mulenga yielded no results as his phone went unanswered.

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