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Mopani mine accident claims a life

A mine accident at Mopani Copper mine has killed one miner at Nkana Mine Plant, South Ore Body (SOB) Shaft in Wusakile Township in Kitwe.

Copperbelt Police Commanding Officer Sharon Zulu said that Kennedy Sapitu 53, of Chamboli Township a Senior Security Officer for Mopani Copper Mines reported that one man only identified as Mathews Bwalya, of Chamboli Township other particulars not known, Dump Truck Operator for Mwamona Investments, a Mining Contractor Company died at level 3960 metres below ground level.

Ms Zulu said Brief facts surrounding the case is that , the victim was working on an elevated (sloppy) site where he was driving a dump truck loaded with copper ore and the truck is believed to have developed a mechanical fault with increased revs, leading to loss of control and severally hit against the mine walls.

She said the Mine Company immediately engaged its rescue team and the body was retrieved at 05:30 hours after being trapped under ground for about seven (7) hours.

Ms Zulu said the victim was rushed to Wusakile Mine Hospital where he was examined by a doctor and later taken to the Kitwe Teaching Hospital where he was certified dead upon arrival.

She said the victim suffered the following injuries on the body, a very deep cut on the right cheek, a raptured diaphragm, cuts on the right side of his head, a large wound on the right side of the body which let the lungs, intestines and other internal organs out.

“His heart cut and fell out of the body completely. The victim’s body was later deposited to the mortuary at Wusakile Mine Hospital awaiting postmortem examination.

“Owing to safety risks cited by mine management, the scene could not be visited. However, it will be visited during coroner’s BB visit later in the day,” she said.

This occurred on October 3, 2022 at 23:15 hours and an Inquiry file opened and more to follow.