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The Independent Observer > News > Mongu savage ‘assegais’ grandpa  

Mongu savage ‘assegais’ grandpa  

A-72-year-old man of Mongu has been speared in the head and he died instantly.

Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo said the Muyendekwa Liomba was found lying in a pool of blood with a spear still stuck on his head.

Ms Katongo said the incident happened on February 16 around 01:00 hrs where Mr Liomba was killed by unknown assailants.

“This follows a report from Muleta Muleya, 59 of Chisonga area that his cousin Liomba of Lukweta area in Nalikwanda was murdered by unknown people and that he sustained multiple deep wounds,” she said.

She said the reason for the murder has not yet been established, however, it is suspected that it could be on suspicion of practicing witchcraft.

“A spear is alleged to have been used in the act.  The body of the deceased was found lying in a pool of blood with a stabbed spear still stuck in the head,” she said.

Ms Katongo said the body is in Lewanika General Hospital mortuary awaiting postmortem.