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Money manners

By Alfred Mukanaka
With money, manners multiply

Tastes develop for foreign foods

Chicken and chips, shrimps, pizzas we amplify

Not cikanda, masuku picked in the woods.

Sinister supermarkets supply fruits

To new world order recruits!


With money, mourning rites have changed

Beer flows more than tears

Everyone on WhatsApp including chief mourner

Household goods are re-arranged

Locked away, widow fears

Uncles and aunties are the same

Parents, bapongoshi all share the blame!


With money, men multiply wives

In their pockets, STIs breed

HIV/AIDS thrives

Orphanages overflow, we wonder how they feed

These children are they ‘proud and free’

Do they know a family tree?


With money, caddies coax mamas into bed1

Daddies defile daughters day and night

‘You’re dead without money,’ someone said

Better be broke but upright

Than kill for money, the kith and kin

Peddling drugs peeling off skin!


1Sunday Times of Zambia, 23 March 1997

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