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MOH to begin Covid reviews

Ministry of Health says this week they will this week they are expected to start reviewing the response towards the fight against Covid-19 in six hotspot provinces of the country.

Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary for technical services Kennedy Malama  says the move is in a bid to assess whether the interventions put in place to stop the spread of the Coronavirus Disease are working or not.

Dr Malama also said that the reviews will first be done on the Copperbelt and subsequently cover North-Western, Muchinga, Eastern, Western and Southern provinces.

“We are of the view that the reviews will enable the country to strengthen its interventions towards the fight against Covid-19, the reviews will also be done through the Zambia National Public Health Institute and other Covid response stakeholders,” he said,’’ he said.

Dr Malama also said the vaccination programs administered 228 Dose 1 AstraZeneca, 234 Dose 2 AstraZeneca and 3, 761 doses of Johnson and Johnson in the last 24 hours.

“The country has recorded 208 new Covid-19 cases out of 6, 555 tests; we also recorded country recorded one Covid related death and 320 patients have been discharged from both Isolation facilities and community management,” he said.