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MMD calls for a level electoral playing field

Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) says they will protest if a level electoral playing field is not balanced and does not assure fair results after the August 12 polls.

MMD President Nevers Mumba said that the current happenings in the country do not portray a democratic state and if the situation worsens then the party will hold protests for people to denounce the unfair electoral playing field.

“Once you feel that the institutions of government meant to protect are not protecting you, then it becomes necessary for people who love the country to protest against that issue, I will not be going to the streets to cause violence but to have our voices heard and  to make a demand democratically to have things change,” he said.

Dr Mumba also warned the Zambia police to desist from selective law application which is only applied to certain groups of people.

“We have sent the ECZ and pictures of the PF having mammoth rallies, against the health regulations that have been set; the ECZ has been mute about those, there is nothing the police or the ECZ have to worry about when it comes to the opposition, the only thing that breaches this regulation is their cowardly approach in dealing with the PF,” he said.

Dr Mumba said that President Lungu is a Zambia citizen that is governed by the rule of law and should be treated as such.