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Mixed emotions as Chingola transport fares rise

Chingola residents have received the increment of township transport fares with mixed feelings as some have welcomed the move while others have not.

The Residents who have not accepted are saying the increment is not necessary considering the promises made during campaigns by the UPND.

Speaking to the Independent Observer, a Small Business owner Chanda Mukupa said that since fuel prices have been increased, essential commodities will also be increased.

He said that the increment might be beneficial in the long run but as it is, residents are disappointed as they were promised that fuel prices will decrease.

Mr Mukupa said that people should now anticipate increment of essential commodities because long distance transport fares have been increased.

Another resident Ngosa Katunga said a hike in fuel prices automatically results in the increase of commodity prices, which disadvantages local people who earn less money.

Mercy Banda, a Chingola based Business woman said that it is no secret that the increment will affect everything, but there is a need to trust that the situation will work out for the better.

Ms Banda also urged Chingola residents to be patient and allow Government work accordingly.

Another Resident William Mwape said that in Chingola transport fare are fair, saying the reason most of the people are complaining is that they feel betrayed by Government.

“The fares are affordable as compared to other towns, as time goes by, the residents will adapt, we just hope that once the fuel prices are decreased, the public transport operators will also reduce the bus and taxi fares as well,” he said.

On Monday, Local Public transport operators increased the transport fares across the district with at least a 2 kwacha, a move that has been received well by most residents.