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The Independent Observer > NEWS > Misinterpreting President elect’s statement shocking

Misinterpreting President elect’s statement shocking

Dear Editor,
I write with shock how we are now trying to misinterpret President elect’s statement where he said he is not in office to arrest people

Even before elections, the issues of arrests were coming on and off and he has been consistence to state his stance on the allegations that were being circulated to just portray that he is vindictive yet not.

It is equally not helpful to the nation by those that feared arrests without telling the nation the basis of their fears, and surprisingly many of those were in the corridors of power.

President Hakainde Hichilema has sure been voted into office to safeguard our welfare and introduce a system that is prudent and not arrogant and extravagance in spending.

Let him not therefore be criticised when the law catches up with those who endangered our economy through corruption and theft or/and abuse of government resources and systems; which are our resources.

He will not stand in the way of investigative wings doing their work on our behalf because that is what he is there for.

Yes he has forgiven those who ridiculed him as an individual through so many unpalatable times and for that we commend him. Yet that has nothing to do with the government. He is here to unite this great nation that almost got divided into two by a few greed individuals who sacrificed us for a few pieces of silver.

Zambians surely will want issues to be addressed that were shelved like the gassing, procurement abuse, police uniforms at Intercity Terminus, etc. and no one should take that for vengeance but prudence. Let our servants account for the mess for the sake of transparency and a clean and free Zambia.

So, let us wait patiently as answers to a lot of unanswered questions will sooner or later be given. Let us not put his forgiveness statement as a person together with a prudent government system operation, lest we will regret. They will regroup as vulture again.

Wisdom Muyunda
