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The Independent Observer > OS > Mining sector investors encouraged to invest more in exploration

Mining sector investors encouraged to invest more in exploration

Government has called on stakeholders in the mining industry to spend more on exploration works in order to guarantee the future of the sector.

Speaking during the official opening of the Association of Zambian Mineral Exploration Companies (AZMEC) Explorer’s Forum in Lusaka, Mines and Minerals Development Minister Richard Musukwa said exploration is key in the growth of the mining sector.

Mr Musukwa also said the number of pending certificates of exploration licenses has increased in the recent years.

He indicated that this shows that the sector is going in the right direction.

“Government will work to ensure that we create an enabling environment for explorers in order to ensure that the industry thrives,” he said.

He emphasized the need to promote sustainable mining in the country.

Speaking earlier, AZMEC President Geoffrey Mulenga said exploration is often underappreciated as a means by which the mining industry can be sustainable.

He emphasized the importance of a vibrant mineral exploration environment in ensuring sustainability of the mining sector.

“Zambia has had a long history of exploration which commenced as far back as the early 1990s and our wish as AZMEC is to see that continue. We are confident that this will be the case given your government continues providing a condusive environment for exploration,” he added.


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