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Mines Minister requested to prioritize employing Local people

A concerned Chingola resident seeking for employment at Konkola Copper mines (KCM) has called on the Minister of Mines and Minerals Paul Kabuswe to consider changing some policies in the mines which has made it difficult for people to get employed.

Lawrence Mwaba said that the Minister should change some polices that will prioritize the local people of Chingola before employing the outsiders.

“My humble appeal to the Minister is to consider us the local people to get employed in KCM even without papers we still work as casual workers so we can better our lives,” he said.

Mr Mwaba has also bemoaned the alleged high levels of corruption taking place amongst the employers.
He said that the employers should consider employing people based on their qualification as opposed to corruption.

Speaking in an interview with The Independent Observer, another job seeker Luke Banda said that he his confident that UPND Government will bring contractors that will create employment for Chingola residents following the appointment of the Minister of Mines.