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The Independent Observer > OS > Miles Sampa adopted as PF Lusaka Mayoral candidate

Miles Sampa adopted as PF Lusaka Mayoral candidate


Lusaka, Zambia, 23rd June 2018 – The Secretary General of the Party Hon Davies Mwila wishes to announce that the Central Committee of the Patriotic Front met today, 23rd June 2018 and chaired by the Republican President and Party President His Excellency Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu to consider applications for adoptions in the Lusaka Mayoral race, Council Chairperson by-elections and local government by-elections.

Following extensive deliberations, the following have been adopted in as Council Chairpersons:

  1. Chipangali District: Cde Million Tembo
  2. Lusangazi District: Cde William Banda
  3. Lumezi District: Cde Clement Mwale
  4. Chasefu District: Cde Ms. Chimwemwe H. Banda
  5. Kasenengwa District: Cde Saul Zulu
  6. Chifunabuli District: Cde Kapwepwe Kaunda Innocent
  7. Chilanga District: Cde Annie Brown
  8. Mayoral Candidate for the Greater City of Lusaka: Hon Miles Bwalya Sampa

Hon Mwila wishes to state that Central Committee also considered that in the case of Hon Sampa, he had shown repentance for his past deeds and therefore forgiven in the spirit of uniting the Party and embracing new members. Hon Mwila has since called on all party members to embrace Hon Sampa.

On behalf of the Central Committee, Hon Mwila has thanked all those who had applied to be considered on the PF ticket as each one of them made the process competitive and democratic. Central Committee has since called on all aspiring candidates to join the campaign teams and work towards the Party’s victory on 26th July 2018.

Lastly, Hon Davies Mwila has called for unity of purpose and discipline among the rank and file of the Party.

Issued by:

Sunday Chanda
PF Media Director
Party Headquarters

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