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The Independent Observer > News > Mbwana Mkumbwa MP to construct shelter at Mackenzie market

Mbwana Mkumbwa MP to construct shelter at Mackenzie market

By Staff Writer
Mbwana Mkumbwa Member of Parliament Warren Mwabazi has assured marketers at Mackenzie that he will soon construct a standard market in the area.

Mr Mwambazi said he wants to ensure that marketers in his constituency trade in a conducive environment.

He said that he has engaged a contractor who will soon be on site and is expected to complete the works soon.

“I know the challenges you are going through but I am assuring you that I will construct a market using my own money. We will do this before the onset of the rains, “he said.

He said this when he visited the marketers at Mackenzie market in his constituency.

And the traders appealed to Mr Mwambazi to help them construct a modern market shelter as soon as possible.

One of the traders Sara Chanda said they face a lot of challenges during the rainy season, adding that they do not have a shelter to protect themselves.

“We suffer here, in rainy season, we do not have shelters and in dry season our vegetables are dried up by the sun. We need a market shelter that is why we voted,”

Ms Chanda said that the market does not have toilets and they have no access to running water, a situation which if not addressed on time can lead to disease outbreak in the area.

The traders said they need a shelter, in order for them to have a decent and safe trading place.