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Maximize agriculture potential, Rainbow tells govt

Rainbow party has advised Government to maximize the benefit and potential of the agriculture sector.

Rainbow Copperbelt Provincial Chairperson Fewdays Nsensema said his party would not support Government stance to put a burn on export of Maize and mealie-meal.

Mr Nsensema said we can take advantage of this read made markets and Maximize foreign exchange revenue to stabilize our exchange rate and boost our economy.

He said that there has been a lot of instability in terms of production in the Mining Sector and the future of mining is uncertain.

“It is for this reason that we are urging the Government to invest more in the agriculture sector by ensuring that the country has available agriculture inputs and equipment at affordable prices to make citizens engage in farming business unlike the current situation were the price of fertilizer, seed and other equipment are too expensive for an ordinary farmers to acquire,” he said

Mr Nsensema said the party has also observed that most of the feeder roads are still in deplorable state making a challenge to transport inputs and products to and from.

He said that Government should forecast on rural areas and work on the roads to boost production in rural areas.

Mr Nsensema said that the country to have affordable prices of food the Government should work on the prices of fertilizer and see to secure good production.

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