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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Marketeers, small scale traders empowered in Mpongwe

Marketeers, small scale traders empowered in Mpongwe

Over 800 small scale traders and marketeers in Mpongwe have been empowered from the presidential empowerment fund.

The empowerment has brought a sigh of relief to the marketeers as their received push up capital after the Covid-19 doldrums.

Mpongwe Constituency PF Chairperson Emmanuel Kasambo told the recipient to prudently use the little resources provided for a collective progress.

Mr Kasambo was really touched as he appreciated the challenges the people of Mpongwe faced and bemoaned the lack of help from the elected leadership in the constituency.

He cautioned the recipient of the aid to put in their best to make a difference.

Mr Kasambo told the jubilant crowd that he was a bearer of good news from the head of state Edgar Lungu, who had sent him as Mpongwe Constituency Chairperson, to empower marketeers including barbers, fish traders, minibus and taxi drivers and other vendors to get a boost in their businesses.

An old woman thanked Mr Kasambo for the K500 which was given to her as she was desperately in need of just a K150 to sustain her vegetable selling business.

He then handed over the cash for disbursement through the local leadership.

The empowerment programme was done at Ibenga Market and Mpongwe Primary School.

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