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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Man nabbed in possession of 45 rounds of ammunitions

Man nabbed in possession of 45 rounds of ammunitions

By Staff Writer
Police in Ndola have apprehended a-27-year-old man a sales and Marketing manager for allegedly being in Possession of Prohibited Article.

Jonathan Mulinda of house number 32 Kopa Road Town Centre Ndola was found in possession of 45 rounds of Ammunitions, suspected to be that of a pistol.

Copperbelt Commanding Officer Peacewell Mweemba said that on February 28, 2023 in the early hours, the Drug Enforcement Commission Officers Ndola based had an operation were they raided the above mentioned address following up  an information that the named suspect above was dealing in drugs.

Mr Mweemba said the officers as per procedure obtained a search warrant from the courts of law and that gave them the powers to conduct a search.

He said the DEC was successful in their search such that they found some whitish substance which was suspected to be cocaine.

“They continued searching and further found 45 rounds of ammunitions in the bedroom of the suspect in the drawers of the wardrop.

The officers later subjected the suspected cocaine to analytical tests and the results came out negative, indicating that the substance was not a drug. The suspect was then handed over to the police so as to continue with the case of being possession of prohibited article,” he said.

He said the suspect was briefly interviewed as regards to the ammunitions and he indicated that the same belongs to one of his friend whom he briefly stayed with at some point and later left the house to unknown place, but asked him to keep them for him.

The suspect is currently detained in police custody and will appear court soon.