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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Man nabbed for robbery in Mtendere

Man nabbed for robbery in Mtendere

By Staff Writer
Police in Lusaka have arrested a 27-year-old man of Mtendere Township in connection with the Robbery in which Christopher Hamoonga was attacked and robbed of money amounting to K4, 500 by a group of five suspected criminals.

Police Deputy Spokesperson Danny Hamoonga said on August 31, 2023 at around 18:30 hours while walking to his house in Mtendere Township from Kalikiliki Township, Mr. Hamoonga was attacked by five unknown people.

Mr Mwale said the victim was able to identify one of the suspects as Boniface Tembo nicknamed as Bone Marrow.

He said he was hit with a bottle on his head and stabbed with a knife on the right side of the stomach. The suspects went away with money amounting to K4,500.

Police officers were alerted and rushed to the scene where the victim was found laying in a pool of blood. He was rushed to the Hospital and investigations were instituted into the matter which led to the arrest of Boniface Tembo,” he said.

The victim is still receiving treatment in the Hospital while the suspect is detained in Police custody.

A manhunt for the other four suspects has been launched.