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Man commits suicide at Police station

Police spokesperson says a man had committed suicide by throwing himself in front of a rear tyre of a moving Volvo truck which was pulling out of Matero Police station.

Esther Katongo said Elvin Miyanda Mwanza 42, of Maloni Township in Lusaka West sustained head injuries and was taken to the University Teaching Hospital where postmortem will be done.

Ms Katongo said Mr Mwanza was reported to have assaulted his 37-year old wife and a report was made at Matero Police Station.

She said Mr Mwanza as the suspect in the matter was apprehended from Lusaka’s Avondale by officers from Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Police Station and was transferred to Matero Police where the report was made.

“After disembarking from a Police vehicle, the suspect threw himself in front of a rear tyre of a Volvo truck registration number AJE 2866 which was pulling out of Matero Police Station.

“An inquiry file has been opened and statements have been recorded from Mr MWanza’s wife who was present at the time the incident happened, also from the driver of the truck, officers and other independent witnesses who were present,” she said.

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