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Malanji makes it rain Kwacha in Kwacha

Kwacha Member of Parliament Joseph Malanji has donated assorted items worth K80, 000 to say thank you to the residents of Kwacha Constituency for voting for him in the 2016 general elections.

He was speaking when he handed over 500 bags of mealie meal worth K50, 000 K20, 000 for fencing of the church and construction of an ablution block and K10, 000 for the members who attended the service at Chipata Catholic church yesterday.

Mr Malanji who is also Foreign Affairs Minister said the Catholic Church in his constituency is doing a commended able job as seen by works the church is doing for the orphans at the school.

He said that Chipata Catholic Church had built a school within its premises as it takes education as a priority to the young learners.

“I commend the church for taking an initiative to build a school that helps the community especially children coming from vulnerable home. The initiative by the church will curb illiteracy levels in the community.

“Most MPs when they are voted in office do not come back to their constituencies to thank the voters who put in office. I’m assuring the congregants that government will soon get into talks with the Ministry of Education to send teachers at the school to give the school a status it deserves,” he said.

Mr Malanji said the construction of 1×5 classroom will commerce at the church grounds to help the vulnerable children.

There was jubilation in church when the law maker announced that each member present in church will go home with a bag of mealie meal and money to buy relish.

Most mothers couldn’t hold back their tears of joy as the Mr Malanji was leaving the church.

And in his homily Chipata Catholic Priest Mwewa Songe implored his congregants to lead honest lives as his church will continue praying for leaders in government so that they lead their people well.

Fr Mwewa appealed to government to consider upgrading Chipata compound into a township as it has a lot development programs taking place in the compound.

He said the gesture will go a long in alleviating the lives of the local people further thanking the area MP for the donation assuring him that will be used for the intended purpose.

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