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The Independent Observer > by elections > Malanji in S.A as chief of SADC elections observer mission

Malanji in S.A as chief of SADC elections observer mission

Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Malanji is in South Africa leading a Zambian Electoral Observer Mission to that country’s forth coming general elections

Meanwhile President Edgar Lungu has appointed former Foreign Affairs Minister and former Kasempa Constituency MP, Kabinga Pande as alternate to the Head of the SADC Electoral Observer Mission.

Other members of the Election Observer Mission are Five civil servants from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defence

The Zambian team is in South Africa as part of SADC Elections Observer Mission until 16th May 2019.

South Africa will hold the General elections on 8 May 2019 to elect a new National Assembly and provincial legislatures in each province.

This will be the sixth elections held since the end of apartheid in 1994 and will determine who will become the next President of South Africa.

This is contained in a statement issued by Naomi Nyawali First Secretary Press and Public Relations Zambia High Commissioner Pretoria South Africa

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